
"Games are new worlds to explore and an outlet for self-expression and creativity."

Adventurers enjoy exploration, self-expression, and โ€œplayingโ€ games in the broadest sense of the word.

For Adventurers, the joy of gaming lies outside of rule-based mechanics and goal-based achievements. For them, games are new worlds to explore with new stories to uncover and new NPCs to befriend and romance. Adventurers enjoy customization via outfits, accessories, and pets. In this sense, Adventurers fundamentally see games as platforms for discovery and self-expression rather than progression and goal attainment.

Adventurers enjoy new game settings/IP and novel game mechanics. After all, this feeds into their enjoyment of discovery. They are more likely to enjoy games in the RPG, Life/Farm/Social Sim, Builder/Creator Sandbox, and City/Settlement genres.