
"Together we can accomplish larger goals that any of us could reach alone."

Diplomats enjoy cooperating and collaborating with other players to achieve larger, shared goals.

Diplomats enjoy interaction in the context of other players in the game. They are more interested in mechanics such as social role-playing, teamwork, leading and being a part of a player guild, and trading/gifting with other players.

They are planners who are interested in larger, long-term goals and achievements. In a game context, they likely gravitate towards team-based achievements such as dungeon raiding, contributing to large construction projects in a social building/farm game like Farmville, or building alliances with other player guilds in a game like EVE Online.

Diplomats are more likely to be fans of the MMORPG, Turn-Based Strategy and Life/Farm/Social Sim genres. There is a higher proportion of female gamers among Diplomats. They are less likely to identify as hardcore gamers and have lower gaming frequency.